
Android 2.3.3 ( GingerBread ) leaked for Samsung Galaxy ACE S5830

As we told you days before that the Android 2.3.3 was leaked and was going to come for Samsung Galaxy S i9000, but this news turned out bad for Galaxy S i9000 users because the love was shown to Samsung Galaxy ACE S5830. The ROM for 2.3.3 was leaked to TSAR3000 qnd was confirmed by there partner’s Sam Firmware. The tag for this version of Android is “S5830XXKP8″.

The further report revealed by Sam Firmware is below

If you guys are holding a Samsung Galaxy ACE S5830 (American Build), then go and grab your Android 2.3.3 (Ginger Bread) from here,
Download Gingerbread  (Android 2.3.3) For Samsung Galaxy ACE
Source: freakgeeks

How To Install Android Apk File

How To Install Android Apk File

This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I'm also going to show you a way that's a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.

Please make sure your phone has "3rd party apps" enabled in it's settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box.

You have two options, either put the .apk file onto your phone's SD card or download and install it directly from your phone.

Installing through the SD card

1. Download the .apk file and put it somewhere on your PC where you can find it back.
2. Connect your phone to your computer using the USB connector.
3. Make sure your phone connection settings are correct, to check this go to Settings -> Connect to PC -> Standard Connection -> Mass Storage Drive
*HTC Sense users may have to wait up to one minute until the mass storage device is visible on your computer*
4. Drag the .apk file you stored on your computer to your phone's SD card. Put it somewhere you can find it back later, you could make a new folder called "Apps" on your phone's SD card.
5. Safely disconnect your phone.
6. Open a file explorer like Winzip (my favorite), FileBro or File Manager, you can find these file explorers on the Android Marketplace.
7. Search for the .apk file you put on your SD card and click it, then press install.
8. Read the permissions and install the app.

Installing through your phone

Of course, you can download the app directly from the file mirrors posted in the forum. This seems like the easiest way, but a lot of mirror websites have problems on phones, aside from that you will also have to go there every time you want to re-install the app. That's why I found a much easier method.

Directly through the mirror websites

1. Download an .apk file from a mirror website posted.
2. Read permissions and install the app

How To Install Android Apk File

How To Sign Android Apps and Games

When publishing an application or a custom rom  you need to sign the .apk or .zip files with a certificate using a private key. The Android system uses the certificate to identify the author of an application and establish trust relationship between applications. The classic way of doing this was to use keytool then sign it with  jarsigner. But This Is Easy Way

It's very simple, it will take a signed or unsigned apk and re-sign.
It will also batch sign all apk's that are in the INPUT folder.

It also includes the tools needed to create your own signature to sign the apk's

Download Apk Signer-v0.2