
Android 2.3.3 ( GingerBread ) leaked for Samsung Galaxy ACE S5830

As we told you days before that the Android 2.3.3 was leaked and was going to come for Samsung Galaxy S i9000, but this news turned out bad for Galaxy S i9000 users because the love was shown to Samsung Galaxy ACE S5830. The ROM for 2.3.3 was leaked to TSAR3000 qnd was confirmed by there partner’s Sam Firmware. The tag for this version of Android is “S5830XXKP8″.

The further report revealed by Sam Firmware is below

If you guys are holding a Samsung Galaxy ACE S5830 (American Build), then go and grab your Android 2.3.3 (Ginger Bread) from here,
Download Gingerbread  (Android 2.3.3) For Samsung Galaxy ACE
Source: freakgeeks