switcher toggle,clock,battery,network,wifi level,shortcuts.Need an android application for your company ? I can make it for you! Contact me by email.
Send me an email and I try to fix your problem quicly.
Don't install on SD card and exclude to your task killer.
Tutorial :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pyf7U1cByIIf you want to control your phone Widgetsoid is THE tool to have. It provides widgets totally customizable; you can choose over 40 toggles!
Widgetsoid is the only app who has custom color for icons and indicator!
User can customize his widgets and make amazing home screen.
Features :
Custom backgrounds (choose from gallery, custom color…);
Change Widgets transparency;
Edit existed widgets;
Customizable colors;
Customizable labels;
Show/hide dividers;
Label colors;
Choose icon color;
Different widgets size (10 toggle on one widget max!);
Different indicator type (long, short or none)
Horizontal and vertical widgets
Advanced features:
Widgets in notification bar;
Possibility to remove widgets size;
Preview of your widget on configuration screen
You can save your widgets on profiles and load it when you want!
The power control widget is not customizable and has only 5 toggles but this is Widgetsoid toggles:
- 2G/3G (Shortcut to mobile settings)
- 4G (WiMAX for EVO)
- Data (Renaming APN or toggle APN)
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- Brightness (custom seekbar, custom levels…)
- Stay Awake
- Always ON
- GPS (1 click for compatible phone)
- Auto Sync
- Force synchro
- Auto Rotate
- Airplane Mode
- Media Scanner
- Screen timeout (different modes)
- Torch (Flashlight, different mode if it’s not work automatically)
- Mount USB
- Mount SD card
- Auto Lock
- Pattern Lock
- Reboot (only for root users! Shutdown, bootloader, normal, recovery or fastboot)
- Battery
- Temperature (battery)
- Phone memory
- SD memory
- RAM memory
- Locale
- Hotspot Wifi
- USB Tether
- Volume manager
- Speaker
- Ring mode
- Lock Screen (turn your screen off)
- Direct Shortcut app (All activities or applications)
- Direct Shortcut contacts (or open popup with call, sms, email)
- Direct Shortcut bookmarks
You can find more informations on official web site
http://jaumard.android.free.fr/widgetsoid/index.php?lang=en_ENYou will find permissions descriptions and FAQ to help you to use Widgetsoid.
@jaumard on twitter
jimmy.aumard@gmail.com for problems