Dell, a company known for its desktops and laptops, recently launched an Android 2.2-based tablet called Streak 7. The tablet computer has a seven inch multitouch screen, dual core 1GHZ NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor, rear-facing 5MP camera, and 1.3MP front-facing camera. It weighs 450 grams.
There is no price tag yet on the Streak 7 but Dell stated that it will be available through T-Mobile. Guests of the CES 2011 had the chance to have the firsthand experience with the said device. It is expected to be available in the U.S. through T-Mobile retail stores, its only store, and from Dell.
The Streak 7 gives the user access to online contents such as television shows, movies, videos, and more. It uses Dell’s Stage software that gives users a simpler and faster way to access their favorite contents. It also has Qik Video Chat, which is a video calling service. Dell announced that later this year people can sync their contents to Stage so that users can keep their Dell Stage-equipped devices synchronized via their home network.
The Streak 7 replaces the Streak 5, which has a five-inch screen, 5MP auto-focus camera, and an 1 GHz Qualcomm Snapcomm Snapdragon QSD8250 processor.
Dell also unveiled the Venue, a smartphone based on the Google Android software. Last year Dell released a smartphone based on Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 mobile OS.